School Readiness

School Readiness Goals

1)   Physical Development & Health

  • Children will maintain good health and physical well being including: Oral, Visual, Auditory, Preventive Health, Physical Growth, and Healthy Practices.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of proper health, safety and nutrition practices including: Personal Care Tasks, Health and Safety Routines, Safety Knowledge, Good Nutrition, Physical Exercise, and Routine Health Care.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding and use of large motor control including: Movement, Navigation, and Balance.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding and use of fine motor skills including: Hand Strength and Dexterity, Eye-hand Coordination, Manipulation of Objects, and Manipulation of Writing Instruments.


2)   Social & Emotional Development

  •  Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of healthy relationships and interaction with adults and peers including: Communication, Cooperation, Socially Appropriate Behaviors, Conflict Resolution, Empathy, Sympathy, and Consequences of Own Actions.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate self-concept and self-efficacy including: Individuality, Independence, Confidence, and Decision-Making Skills.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate age appropriate self-regulation skills including: Emotional Control, Task Management, Impulse Control, and Compliance.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate age appropriate emotional and behavioral health including: Emotional Expression, Aggression Control, and Adaptation.


3)   Approaches to Learning

  • Children will develop and demonstrate age appropriate initiative and curiosity including: Individual Interests, Creativeness, Independence, Inquiry, and Flexibility.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate age appropriate persistence and attentiveness including: Sustained Interest, Goal Development, and Determination.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate ability to cooperate including: Sharing, Taking Turns, and Group Play Participation.


4)   Logic & Reasoning

  •  Children will develop and demonstrate age appropriate reasoning and problem solving skills including: Cause and Effect, Classification, Comparison, and Integration of Knowledge.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of symbolic representation including: Artistic Representation, Role-Play, and Fantasy vs. Reality. 



5)   Language Development

  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of language including: Comprehension, Rules of Conversation, Vocabulary Expansion, Forms of Language, and Grammatical Structures.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate a use of age appropriate expressive language skills including: Communication, Self-Expression, Vocabulary, Forms of Language, Grammatical Structures, Storytelling, and Social Conversation.


6)   Literacy Knowledge & Skills


  • Children will develop and demonstrate age appropriate book appreciation and knowledge including: Interest in Reading Experiences, Comprehension, Book and Reading Characteristics, and Storytelling.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate age appropriate phonological awareness skills including: Sentence Dissection, Word Dissection, Phonemes, Alliteration, and Rhyme.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate age appropriate alphabet knowledge including: Letter Names, Letter Sounds, and Beginning Sounds.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of print concepts and conventions including: Recognition, Meaning, Progression of Print, Word Formation, and Decoding.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate age appropriate early writing skills and knowledge including: Implements, Conventions, Functions, Symbolic Representation, Tracing/Copying, and Creative Spelling.


7)   Mathematics Knowledge & Skills


  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of number concepts and quantities including: Number Order, Written Numerals, Estimation, Matching Sets to Numbers, One-to-one Counting, and Quantifying.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of number relationships and operations including: Quantity Comparisons, Comparison Words, and Combining and Separating Sets.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of geometry and spatial sense including: Shapes and Shape Attributes, Matching, Sorting, Attribute Differentiation, Shape Composition and Decomposition, Directionality, and Positional Concepts.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of patterns including: Classification of Objects, Recognition, Duplication, and Creation.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of measurement and comparison skills including: Attribute Recognition and Comparison, Seriation, Standard/Nonstandard Methods and Tools, and Vocabulary.



8)   Science Knowledge & Skills


  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate use of scientific skills and methods including: Observation, Investigation, Tool and Technology Usage, Data Collection, Data Recording, Prediction, and Explanation.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate age appropriate conceptual knowledge of the natural and physical world including: Living Things, Natural Processes, Space, Physical Properties, Time and Motion and Relationships.


9)   Creative Arts Expression


  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of musical concepts and expression including: Listening, Singing, Performing, Appreciation, and Instrument Exploration.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate age appropriate creative movement and dance skills including: Self-Expression, and Rhythmic Movement.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate age appropriate art skills including: Exploration of Materials, Exploration of Techniques, Self-Expression, Creativity/Originality and Self-Reflections.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate age appropriate drama skills including: Cooperative Play, Imaginative Play, Storytelling, Role Assumption, and Use of Props.


10) Social Studies Knowledge & Skills


  •  Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of self, family and community including: Family Structure, Diversity, Community Helpers, Currency, and Rules & Laws.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of people and the environment including: Geography, Environmental Protection Efforts, and Nature.
  • Children will develop and demonstrate an age appropriate understanding of history and events including: Past, Present & Future, Personal History, and Event Outcomes.


11) English Language Development


  • Children who speak a home language other than English will demonstrate progress in their receptive English language skills including: Listening and Comprehension, and Following Directions.
  • Children who speak a home language other than English will demonstrate progress in their use of expressive English language skills including: Repeating, Making Requests, Vocabulary Expansion, and Sentence Construction.
  • Children who speak a home language other than English will engage in English language activities including: Book Use and Appreciation, Object/Action Identification, Repetition, Discussion, and Storytelling.