St. Clair County Head Start 23-24
Apply Today!
St. Clair County Head Start is currently accepting applications for the 2025- 2026 school year.
All applicants must be three or four years old by Sept.1, 2025 to attend Head Start.
Preliminary online application: ONLINE APPLICATION
There is no fee for our program and transportation may be provided when available for children who live beyond a five-mile radius of the center.
Documents required:
- Proof of residence
- Child’s official birth certificate
- Social Security card for the applying child
- Proof of income (W-2, most recent check stub, proof of child support, SSI documentation etc.)
- Immunization shot record
- Medicaid or private insurance
- Proof of Food stamps/TANF or other public assistance
- Proof of guardianship/custody if not your biological child
- If your child is accepted to attend Head Start, a physical and dental screening will be required.
For additional information please call 205-338-9694:
Kala Williams
Family and Community Partnership Manager
Ext. 115
Angela Whitten
Family and Community Partnership Specialist
Ext. 118